Your Best at Every Angle
Pearl River, NY Facelift
Maintaining a youthful appearance can help you feel vibrant and confident in your daily life. However, factors such as sun exposure, aging, genetics, stress, and environmental variables can cause premature aging and changes to the face. These can cause even the healthiest person’s face to look tired and aged despite following a strict skincare routine.
Residents of Pearl River, New York, and the NYC metropolitan area trust board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Ingargiola for facelift surgery at Reflections Medical by Dr. Michael Fiorillo. He specializes in creating a youthful yet natural appearance by minimizing wrinkles and fine lines, restoring youthful contours, and tightening loose, sagging skin with minimal visible signs of surgery. Schedule your Pearl River Facelift consultation today.

What is a facelift?
Hit Reset
Stresses of daily life, gravity, sun exposure, and especially time, can take their toll on our necks and faces. The jawline slackens and becomes jowly, the mouth develops lines on either side, and loose folds and fat deposits develop in the neck.
Facelifts can correct these issues with muscle tightening, fat removal, and trimming excess skin. This procedure gives your face a fresh and youthful look; some patients look 10 to 15 years younger after surgery.
What can a Facelift do for me?
A rhytidectomy, which literally means “removal of wrinkles,” also known as a facelift, can rejuvenate the neck area and the mid to lower face area. Patients who want to correct the following are the best candidates for a Facelift in Pearl River:
- Deep creases between the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds)
- Deep creases under the eyes
- Jowls due to loss of muscle tone
- Loose skin and fat under the chin and jaw
- Mid-face sagging
- Sagging areas of fat
A Dramatic Change
What issues won’t a Facelift correct?
While facelifts can provide a dramatic change in appearance for patients with the problems mentioned above, they do not stop the process of aging. In time, signs of aging will gradually appear once again. Facelifts do not change the appearance of the nose, the eyelids, the brow, and some of the mid-face. These areas would be better treated by incorporating a brow lift or eyelid surgery with a facelift. Soft tissue fillers by injection, implants to the troubled areas of the face, and resurfacing of the skin can enhance the effects of a Facelift.

Refined & Rejuvenated
What are the benefits of a facelift?
The facelift technique used depends on your goals, the condition of your skin, the amount of laxity present, lifestyle, age, and other factors. Some individuals who have more significant facial aging and skin laxity may opt for a full Facelift, while some may only want a lower facelift, mid-facelift, or neck lift. Our surgeons utilize cutting-edge techniques such as deep plane facelift, ponytail neck lift, and/or fat grafting in order to give patients a unique and individualized result.
“Thank you so much for taking excellent care of me. You’re a true professional with great bedside manner.”
Prepare For A Facelift
Candidates that are best for a Facelift (rhytidectomy):
- Are generally healthy
- Are men or women whose faces have begun to sag but whose skin still has some elasticity
- Do not smoke
- Have realistic expectations
- Wish to improve one or more of the signs of aging indicated above
Dr. Ingargiola and Dr. Molina, the most highly demanded cosmetic surgeons in Pearl River, NY, will discuss whether a facelift is right for you during your consultation.
When Experience Matters
Your Facelift Consultation
One of the most common surgeries performed at Reflections Medical by Dr. Michael Fiorillo is the facelift procedure. This procedure focuses on precise areas of the face to tighten loose skin and reposition volume in the face to create a softer and more youthful appearance. Depending on your specific concerns, a Facelift or neck lift can focus on the lines and wrinkles near the eyes, the cheeks, and mid-face, or the bottom portion of the face, including the mouth, jowls, jawline, neck, and more for an all-over younger look. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Ingargiola provides a full spectrum of specialized facial aesthetic surgeries to meet patients’ needs and goals.
Tailored to Your Needs
How is a Facelift performed?
Typically Facelift surgeries are outpatient procedures and are performed in our outpatient surgery center. The patient can choose between IV sedation or general anesthesia and can expect to be in surgery for about four hours. The technique used is dependent on the surgeon, the extent of the desired correction, and the patient’s facial structure. There are two standard incision techniques, these are:
Traditional facelift
This is the full facelift for the rejuvenation of the face, jowls, and neck. It includes skin trimming and re-draping, lifting and repositioning of muscle and tissue, and fat sculpting. The incision starts at the temple and will travel to the front of the ear, around the ear lobe, and then to the lower scalp, behind the ear at the hairline. And sometimes, another incision is made under the chin
Limited-incision facelift
This procedure is for limited rejuvenation around the mouth and eyes, and may include the nasolabial folds (wrinkles between nose and lip) and other deep creases. Short incisions are made by the temples, around the ears, and sometimes in the lower eyelids and/or under the upper lip. Incisions are closed with tissue glue or stitches after both methods are completed. Scars are hidden in the natural contours of the face and in the hairline.
Get Ready for
Your Close-Up
After the surgery, we will provide detailed post-operative instructions to ensure you recover with minimal discomfort. Swelling and bruising may last up to two weeks after the surgery, but you may be able to return to work earlier. After their Facelift Pearl River patients will see the initial results after about three weeks.
If you are planning to get a facelift before a significant social event, such as a wedding or class reunion, it is best to schedule it at least a few months in advance to allow enough time for complete healing.

New Beginnings Happen Here
Your doctor will wrap the incision areas in bandages and may place drainage tubes. The next day, the tubes will be removed, and your hair will be carefully washed.
If surgical clips were used, they will be removed one week after the Facelift, the same time that your stitches are removed. At the beginning of your recovery time, you may experience swelling, bruising, numbness, and a feeling of tightness or tension around your neck and face. Your face may even look distorted or uneven, and your muscles may feel stiff. Within three to six weeks most of these symptoms will resolve, and within a few months, the surgery area will return to normal.
Over time, scars will become less raised, less itchy, and less red. By the third week, many patients return to work. Concealing cosmetics can be used to cover the appearance of bruising and raised areas. While you are recovering, be gentle with your skin and hair. While shaving, men may need to pay attention to the area behind the neck and ears where beard-growing skin has been moved.
Can I combine other surgeries with my Facelift?
Yes! Many people combine a facelift with eyelid surgery, a brow lift, or dermal fillers to restore volume. We will discuss your options during your consultation.
What are the risks of a facelift?
As with all surgeries, there are possible complications relating to a facelift. These include infection, bruising, bleeding, discoloration, uneven swelling, allergic reaction to anesthesia, temporary or permanent loss of sensation in the face, and skin blistering (which is usually only seen in smokers). During your consultation with your doctor, they will discuss the risks and benefits of a Facelift so that you can make an educated decision. Dr. Ingargiola and Dr. Molina are expert cosmetic surgeons in Pearl River, NY, and will guide you through all the details and provide you with pre-op and post-op instructions, which, when followed carefully, will aid in preventing or limiting complications or side effects.
What is the cost?
Costs may vary depending on your overall treatment and if you have opted for additional procedures. Your procedure costs will be discussed during your consultation.
Stock images of models are used throughout this website and should not be interpreted as actual patients of our practice. Individual results may vary.