Posted May 21, 2013 in Uncategorized, by Dr. Fiorillo
With poor practice resulting in lots of botched bodies, it doesn’t come as a surprise that there are several scary old wives’ tales doing rounds regarding the subject of cosmetic surgery. In this piece, we bust four of the biggest myths about cosmetic surgery you probably never knew-:
Cosmetic surgery is for those who are vain and obsessed with how they look
The fact is that the majority of those who go for cosmetic surgery do so because they want to improve their levels of self confidence, with just a handful of them interested in looking like their favorite celebs. It is thus not true that those who opt for such procedures are obsessed with their looks.
People must know when you have cosmetic surgery
With the advancement in medical technology and cosmetic surgery techniques, it is never obvious that people will easily tell when you do plastic surgery. Most of the plastic surgeons are able to achieve very natural looks with the current cosmetic surgery procedures.
Plastic Surgery is only for women
It is a fact that women are the majority who frequent plastic surgeon’s offices around the world, but men too also go for plastic surgery. As a matter of fact, the number of men opting for cosmetic surgery procedures keeps on rising with each year.
Cosmetic surgery is only for rich people
There is a huge misconception that cosmetic surgery is only for rich people. In as much as the procedures don’t come cheap, anyone is free to get a breast lift, breast, reduction, tummy tuck, liposuction or any other procedure without necessarily being rich.
If you are thinking about getting any cosmetic surgery procedure done, then you can call Dr. Fiorillo’s office at (845) 623-6141. Dr. Fiorillo is a passionate double board certified plastic surgeon, who is always ready to help you get the appearance you need through plastic surgery. Call now or use the contact form in this page to schedule a free consultation.
Stock images of models are used throughout this website and should not be interpreted as actual patients of our practice. Individual results may vary.